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Be a flamingo in a flock of ordinary birds

"We have to confess, we are obsessed with Flamingos.
Not just because the are pretty in pink, but because they are fascinating."

3 Fun Facts about Flamingos

Did you know? ...
1. The colour of flamingos is dependent on their diet?
Flamingos love to munch on foods like shrimp, snails, and algae. All these foods have a chemical called beta carotene that turns a flamingo's feathers pink. The more of this chemical they eat, the stronger the colour in their feathers. That's why flamingos in some parts of the world, are brighter than others.
2. Flamingos are more than comfortable standing on one leg?
Yes, these little yogi’s can even sleep in this position!
3. A group of Flamingos are called a colony?
Flamingos are birds of a feather that flock together and they do almost everything in a group.
Yes, they also mate around the same time. Before flamingos pick a mate, the colony performs a special dance together!
We're enraptured by fabulous flamingos, so they have inspired a design in our new range of Mulberry Silk pillowcases, sleep masks and gift sets.

Perhaps its time celebrate your inner flamingo...
Silk Pillowcase - 25 Momme Silk Sleep Mask Gift Sets
Flamingos Finest Silk Pillowcase 25 Momme - Classic Envelope - MayfairSilk

£68 for 1
£63 each for 2
£58 each for 4

Flamingos Deep Sleep Eye Mask - 22 Momme Mulberry Silk - MayfairSilk

£38 for 1
£36 each for 2
£34 each for 3

Flamingos Pillowcase + Deep Sleep Eye Mask Gift Set - MayfairSilk
Sold out
MayfairSilk has been featured in  global press including Vanity Fair, Marie Claire, The Sunday Times, Conde Nast Traveler, Tempus, Women's Health, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Metro, World of Interiors, Adobe2, Mayfair times, Mirror, Mayfair Life and many more

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