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Isolation Fashion: Mayfairsilk Pillow Challenge

MayfairSilk Pillow Challenge The Quarantine Pillow Challenge began on Instagram on April 5 2020, when @stylebynelli from and @myforteisfashion posted an image of themselves sporting a pillow as a dress.

The duo styled their pillow dress with accessories such as a belt and high heels and proceeded to challenge their followers to create their takes on the cozy trend. From then it has snowballed to more than 270,000 images on Instagram of people being a part of the pillow challenge.

In April 2020, Mayfairsilk decided to add a bit more fun to our otherwise quarantined life via the pillow challenge and we began our pre-launch contest on our Instagram page

We are delighted by the likes, shares, tags, support and yes for all those who’ve participated. The Top Prize wins over £500 of products from Mayfairsilk, Charbonnel et Walker, Vichy Laboratories and other beauty brands.

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Mayfairsilk Pillowcase Challenge is a creative silk lover who not only sports wearing a pillow as a dress but added a bit extra with the pillowcase as a Royal Ascot headpiece. Congratulations Ola @MissRawmaterial to win the £500 gift hamper (and the runner ups who participated too).

MayfairSilk Pillow Challenge

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