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Sensitive Skin and Silk with Claudia Fallah

MayfairSilk Sensitive Skin

Award-winning Skincare Specialist

It is our pleasure to have Claudia Fallah - one of UK’s leading skin specialists for sensitive skin join us for pillow talk and share her insights on skin health and skincare. Claudia is a qualified and experienced aesthetic specialist since 1989. Her approach towards skincare is bio-dynamic and nature-derived, versus the harsh chemical treatments that are used by many others, involving steroids, antibiotics or cortisone.

She focuses on treating sensitive skin and skin microtrauma and has more than 30 years of experience in helping women and men across all skin conditions, age groups and ethnicities.

Claudia Fallah - Beauty Shortlist AwardsToday, she is one of the UK’s leading sensitive skincare specialists and is an advisor for MediSpa™ which is located in Harvey Nichols in Knightsbridge in London.

Her cosmeceuticals are trusted and recognised the world over, having won 13 awards under the ‘Beauty Shortlist Awards’ in recent years and stocked at Harvey Nichols.

Here are some of the questions we have for Claudia ... 

You had a Skin clinic in Marylebone for over 20 years. What were the common concerns of those who came to seek treatment?

Claudia FallahOur busy lives, lifestyle choices and everyday stresses take a toll on our skin.

Over the years I’ve found that most of the clients that initially came to seek treatments were those who suffered from skin conditions such as dull and dehydrated skin, cystic acne, irritable skin, eczema and psoriasis.

It has been an absolute joy to revive and repair the skin of our clients and so many have continued on their skincare treatments with us but this time to enhance their skin health and appearance.

As this is pillow talk, let’s talk about the bedtime routine. In your opinion how do using night-time skin creams and serums help?

Our skin repairs itself whilst you sleep. As the skin ages, there is an increasing need to maintain its radiance. Skin creams and serums can help accelerate repair and feed the skin with essential nutrients.

For instance, one of the bedtime products I recommend - the Energizing Beauty Fluid and Repair Serum - helps boost the skin’s metabolism. Amongst other soothing nutrients, it also contains Sandalwood tree nut oil which increases the production of omega-2 acids which helps restore the skin’s vitality. Using this regularly decreases the production of omega-6 fatty acids which causes inflammation on the skin resulting in various common skin diseases such as dermatitis and rosacea.

After treatments and facials what ‘pillow hygiene’ do you recommend to your clients?

I believe that home care is an essential part of maintaining the results of our treatments. Our advice to clients after a treatment or facial is to change their pillowcase that night before sleeping, ensuring it's fresh and clean. For people that suffer from acne, irritable skin, eczema and psoriasis I recommend they sleep on 100% silk pillowcases that are free from harmful dyes and chemicals. 

Why do you recommend sleeping on Mayfairsilk?

I recommend using Mayfairsilk over cotton any day as cotton being a highly absorbent fabric draws out the moisture from the night creams and serums that you may use, as well as the natural moisture from your skin, leaving it dry, wrinkle prone and dull looking. Unlike cotton, Mayfairsilk maintains the pH level of the skin retaining the skin’s natural moisture and its smooth texture does not create creases on your skin. Also, it being hypoallergenic, it is a must have for those suffering with acne and sensitive skin.

For more about Claudia Fallah please visit her website here.

Mayfairsilk is delighted to have Claudia Fallah as one of our experts.

To find out more about how our fabrics help your sleep, improve hair and skin complexion, see more on the benefits of silk.

Our 100% pure silk bed linen and apparel are hypo-allergenic, anti-bacterial, anti- mould and dust mite free, making them a preferred choice for many. View our range of 100% pure silk pillowcases and 100% pure silk bed sheets.

Claudia Fallah Quote

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